In this digital era, users see ads everywhere, in every single place, making them reject them and ignore the advertising and their offers.
There are a few that have been able to grab our attention, but there are also ads that are just annoying, making us wonder what the advertising is trying to offer us.
How can you create ads and banners that will not only catch the user’s attention but also make them click on it?
Good ads are beyond just a good mix of colors, pretty words, and images. Great advertising gives the viewer a feeling so good, that they must keep reading.
These tips will help you increase that aspect.
1. See it from their POV
One of the most important things to make successful advertising is to see those ads from the user’s POV. Try to understand what would make them click on your ad.
2. The offer and the Call to Action
Effective and successful Ads must have the following:
– A good story-telling that highlights what the offers give to them.
– Sells the benefits of it.
– A clear and solid call to action.
No keywords will do more conversation as an ad that is completely based on the attractive benefits of your offer.
The Call to Action or the strategy for them to go to the button must be solid, and they must know exactly where it takes them.
3. Make them feel something
People react to certain words that evoke an emotion in them, so, you might want to use some of the following words to evoke the right emotion and feeling:
- Amazing
- Luxurious
- Incredible
- Free
- Excellent
- Simple
- Great
- Get
You must have heard a few of these words at the end of a TV Ad. “This amazing new formula… will make you feel great in no time, follow this simple procedure and enjoy the benefits of this luxurious product for free” Just do not back up any of these claims by science or experts.
Do not try to come up with something new in the marketing industry, follow your gut.
4. Be reasonable
Don’t promise something that your product doesn’t do. Is just that simple.