A new GEO is 100% about developing and gaining experience
Nevertheless, it’s extremely important to prepare appropriately and get this task done responsibly, if not, you will be wasting your budget. We talked with several webmasters about their experience and they gave us 5 tips to help you avoid mistakes when entering a new GEO.
1 – Be wise about your experience and resources
Are you experienced enough to work in a completely new market? Is your budget enough for all the testing and the launch? Make sure to study all the information and cases available in order to get a full perspective of this new GEO. If after studying you’re not afraid of trying, go ahead.
2 – Do your homework
You need to research the region’s language, religion, currency, Internet distribution, cultural characteristics, and restrictions. It is also important to study the region’s target as much as possible so you can adapt to the characteristics of the locals. Last but not less important, contact the manager.
3 – Make sure there is a stable market
Make sure to research the region’s political situation (the region mustn’t be in active conflict). Also, research any natural disaster or any other event that could affect your work negatively.
4 – Prepare beforehand
The statistics, trackers, Metrics, postback, services, etc. Everything must be prepared in advance. Remember to track all your expenses and income.
Time for the Test launch
The first test is vital and is the most important stage, it will reflect the results of your work. Do a spend-control and analyze the data accordingly so you can make changes accordingly.