If you have been working with Ad Networks for a long time, along with selling the traffic from your website, the information we’re about to show you might just be too much. Nevertheless, after looking at the profits, it will sound really interesting.
We decided to try Pre-Roll Ads on a website. Bear in mind that the format doesn’t “annoy” Google in any way, and doesn’t annoy users either. Another feature of the Video Ads format is the fact that you can skip the ad after 5 seconds of watching it. If the user is not interested in the ad they can just skip it, and if they’re in fact interested, they will just take a look at the offer.
There aren’t many networks open to work with Video formats. If we recall correctly, only Exoclick, Traffic Stars, and Clickadu do it. So we will try Clickadu, after checking the rates on Facebook we think it might be worth a shot.
- You can register here: https://v2.panel.clickadu.com
- After that, you will need to verify your website, check this YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7zbCjtHZos&t=5s. to understand how to do it.
- Finally: Install the network’s code on your website. True, some knowledge of code and manual modification is required. If you work well with JS/CSS, you won’t have any problems. If this is not about you (and not about me haha) – contact the manager, they respond to your request quickly and help you figure it out.
- You get profit for your traffic.