Creating a community in Telegram is starting to be vital. In fact, in order for you to easily manage groups and attract even more members, the developers have added a new feature called “supergroup”.
You will learn what is a Telegram Supergroup, what’s the difference between them and a regular Telegram group, along with how to create one and how to configure it.
What’s a Telegram Supergroup
A Telegram supergroup is basically an extender regular group with even more members participating, it can reach up to 200K users. They can be moderated by the administrators, along with setting up some restrictions.
How to transform a regular Telegram group into a Supergroup?
A regular group turns into a supergroup when it gets to 200 members, or when it gets set up to a public group. However, bear in mind that you can set up the supergroup to be private later.
You need to do the following on your smartphone:
- Tap on the group’s title.
- Tap on the pencil icon and go to the editing section.
- Go to group type.
- Set it to public.
- Set the desired address for the link you want;
- Apply and save the changes.
If you’re using Telegram from a computer, you would have to do the following things: Click on the three dots on the group name and go to “group management”.
After that select the “Group Type” option and change the group status.
Set it to public and save the changes.
Supergroup capabilities and functionality
Telegram Supergroups give several features to the owners and administrators:
- You can add a link to the group so anyone can invite their friends or share it on external places.
- Staff expansion: You can assign administrators. And you can configure their access and powers independently.
- Moderation: Admins can moderate and delete other members’ posts, and images, and control what’s being posted on the group.
- Notifications for new messages are turned off by default so they don’t get spammed with the notifications of an ongoing conversation.
- The message history can be turned on for new members.
- Permissions settings to members. You can prevent regular users from posting content you don’t want on your group, it can be files or stickers, and you can set the permissión to allow some users to do so, the ones you trust.
- Bots integration: Telegram supergroups allow bots integration, giving you a lot of opportunities to automate some of the moderation tasks, or posting content.
How to remove a supergroup on Telegram
Leaving a supergroup in Telegram is the same as with a regular group. Just look for the three dots and select the “leave group” option.
If you want to delete it, the administrators will need to go to the group management option and select the “Delete group” item at the bottom. After doing that, the group will be deleted and the history will be removed as well.
Creating a Telegram supergroup allows you to get more tools to communicate with your community and work with a large number of users at the same time. At the same time, there are no cons to transferring a regular group to a supergroup. It allows a large number of members to communicate without clogging up with constant messages, which makes this type of group more convenient for working with a large number of clients.
We highly recommend you change your group to a supergroup, so you’ll have more features and functionalities to control your community. Along with granting you the chance to set up permission independently for your administrators and members, it’s a great tactic to share your content and monitor your community.