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To set up a proper ad campaign and promote your Instagram account, you need to know your audience and analyze a lot of information about already registered users. Yes, it can be done manually, but why would you waste precious time on doing it by hand? Programmers also think that, so they created programs to automate those tedious tasks, and they’re called Instagram Audience Parsers. They simplify the target audience search process.

We will see what are parsers and specifically, Instagram audience parsers, what they offer, if there’s any popular service out there, how to choose the best one and what should you look at to pick it.


What’s Instagram Audience Parsing and why is worth it?

Parsing is a search process for a target audience on social media networks, in this case, specifically on Instagram. Bearing that in mind, a parser is a program and tool used to search for a warm audience so a product or service can be sold to them. There are usually two ways to parse a target audience on Instagram:

Scripting: You must create your own parser, they’re usually written in Java. So you need to have some experience in it, nevertheless, if you don’t have any programming experience or skills at all, but need a flexible and customizable tool, it might be a good idea to buy a specialist’s services.

Instagram audience parsing apps: These programs are already built and they have all the tools and features someone will need for an audience search like competitors, gender, tags, and even built-in algorithms.

After building a database of potential leads, you can interact with each account. You can DM them, follow them, and know what they like and don’t like, so you can understand your audience’s desires.

Parsers perform all the manual work, saving you a lot of time. In some services, you can even use a filtering tool to separate bots from real users.

TOP 3 Instagram Audience parsing services

There are several options available, but after reviewing most of them, we will give you the top of the best high-quality services.

We will focus on the free parser services available, and maybe we will think about an article completely focused on paid ones.

Free Instagram Audience Parsing Services

Free audience parsing programs and services are restricted, but they’re still so popular and good that are still being actively used.


This free parser will let you collect an audience by likes and hashtags and will allow you to analyze your competitors, you can even get phone numbers and get them organized in an Excel table.


  • Free program that is still getting updates.
  • Unlimited accounts.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Good technical support.
  • Low-specs program.


  • Is an application, so you need to install it on your computer.
  • The technical support team isn’t available 24/7.


This is a free program that has a lot of useful features. Their devs added a feature to parse competitors, hashtags, and even the region. Their system updates regularly to improve its functionalities. There are a few additional features like mass following, mass liking, unfollowing, auto-posting, and even sending DMs, which will save you a lot of time that you can use to create high-quality content.


  • Wide selection of features.
  • Not time-limited.
  • The paid version is half the price of its analog version.
  • Their support is fast and reliable.


  • Accounts are limited to 1 in the free version.
  • It must be installed on your own computer, which means that you need to download it from a trusted source or the official website to make sure you’re getting a safe version instead of malware in your device.

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