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It’s no secret that Traffic Arbitrators are constantly in search of new and profitable GEOs, so we want to help you successfully get on the gambling and betting offers and get them to the market. That’s why we’re going to talk about Germany, a capital for gambling.

Region’s population and mindset

In order to get in with the right foot on the German market, you need to do your homework on the audience you’re going to be working with. More than 80 million people live in Germany, and most of them are males. The average age breaks down as follows:

  • 15 to 25 years, representing the 10.5%
  • 25 to 45 years old, representing the 24.8%
  • From 45 to 65 years old, representing the 29.8%
  • More than 65 years old, representing the 21.4%

One of the region’s peculiarities is the high amount of immigrants: Immigrants represent 19.2% of Germany’s population, which forces you to think not only about Germans but also about Russians, Danish, Italians, and Turkish.

Usually, most people mistakenly think that Germans are boring. But this can be further from the truth, where else will you find so many festivals and national holidays? Nowhere, only in Germany. For example, the Oktoberfest, which even the Munich clerk runs with pleasure to have fun. Germany is one of the most fun places on the planet.

Germans’ hobbies and their solvency

Germany is easily one of the most solvent countries in the world: Being in the top 5 when it comes to living standards and salaries. The average monthly salary in Germany is more than €4,000, and around 75% of the population aged from 15 to 64 years old have jobs. Remember that we’re still thinking about GEO to redirect traffic to gambling and betting offers, Germans are simply one of the best audiences as they pay easily for these kinds of offers.

The Germans love working, but they love having fun and relaxing even more. The “adult entertainment” is the most popular among men. In fact, websites and platforms with this kind of content are the top 10 most visited in the country.

Gambling and betting offers

Casinos are the second most popular entertainment in the country, in fact, Germans are highly interested in online gaming. Nevertheless, German legislation doesn’t issue licenses for online casinos so easily, which is why Germans tend to use foreign services instead.

Sports betting is also popular in Germany. And, in this region, the most popular sport is football (soccer). The country has an excellent national team and great domestic champions.

Where else should you look? Streamers. For example, the Top German streamers who stream for the casino niche are Gronkh, Trymacs, MontanaBlack88, and Drachenlord. You use their VODS to cut short videos with them to use for creative purposes.

German Traffic Arbitrage

90% of Germany’s population uses the Internet actively. The male population is the one spending most time surfing the web with around 50 million users. 89% of the population uses a smartphone, and as you can guess, mobile Internet is the most popular. In general, the traffic breakdown by device is as follows:

  • 27% of the population uses iOS
  • 62% of the population uses Android
  • 11% of the population uses PC

Nevertheless, even when Android has more people, you should focus on iOS users, as they usually spend more on casinos and bets, 2–3 times more than the other users.

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