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Domain Traffic (Direct clicks, zero clicks, Pay-Per-Redirects) is a recent format for both ad networks and Traffic Arbitrators. Just a few people know about it, so it has a really low competition.

If you are looking for a new traffic source, it might be a good moment to give zero-click a try. Now, let’s tell you about the pros and cons, and how to start on it.


What is Domain Traffic?

Domain traffic is created when users make a mistake when making a mistake typing a website address and end up on a landing page through a parked domain.

For example:

We, as users, want to buy sneakers from Nike, type the website wrong, entering “Naike .com”. Suddenly, we’re getting redirected to a Landing Page (if that domain was bought), that’s offering us sports shoes.

How does it work in Ad Networks?

Often, the format is offered by push/pop ads networks, finding direct/zero-click.

During the creation and launching of a domain, you’re taking part in a real-time auction, a competition for users who entered the domain name incorrectly.


How the Traffic it’s generated?

  • The user makes a typo in the address bar.
  • It sends them to a parked domain (misspelled URL) that belongs to the grid/network. Acting as a link between the user and the offer.
  • The system reviews the user: browser, GEO, etc.
  • RTB auction from the system.
  • The ad network selects the user with the highest bid, then checks if it has the desired parameters and redirects them to the page with the offer.

Just a few seconds go by between the first and the last paragraph, this makes the format as organic as it can be.

PPR Advantages

  • Organic transition, since the redirect to the offer page from the parked domain occurs instantly.
  • The user will see your offer immediately as they are patiently on their screen, waiting for the website they wanted to see to load.
  • The traffic is warm, which ensures a high conversion rate.
  • Works with any GEO.
  • Great for any niche besides e-commerce. Just pick the right keywords.
  • Simple optimization process.

Domain Traffic vs Pop-Ups

The main and key difference between zero-click and pop-ups is the interested audience. You do not distract/interrupt the user. He was trying to buy something, and you smoothly moved them into an offer that suits their search.

This results in a high Conversion Rate, at least 10 times higher than the pop-ups. Nevertheless, bear in mind that the CPM for Domain Traffic is high as well ($0.5 for Pop-Up and 1.5$ for Zero-Click)

What’s suggested for flooding domain traffic

If you are interested in this format, pay attention to the following recommendations:

Try with different GEOs. We already mentioned above that domain traffic can be redirected to any country. Take advantage of it.

Separate the domains on different ad campaigns.

As with other formats, don’t hesitate to ask the manager for the latest CPM.

The zero-click format is very new in the affiliate marketing industry, give it a try!

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