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Dating offers are always relevant. We will tell you how the traffic flows into dating Maxim Kononov, team leader of the Traffic Heroes team, to give you a perspective from a specialist.

Pros and cons of TikTok


  • Maxim thinks that TikTok is one of the easiest niches that anyone can enter. TikTok is a simple traffic source.
  • Along with that, one of their pros is the ROI.
  • If done correctly, the ban rate is incredibly low.
  • Creating content in this niche is extremely simple.


  • Poor launch of campaigns. For a lot of reasons (each account and audience acts differently), you can make 200$-300$ one day, and only 30$ on the next one.

How to start on Dating offers on TikTok

How to start directing traffic to date offers via TikTok:

  • Communication with the affiliate manager: Do this to understand how the GEO is working and change your strategy.
  • Test the offers with landing pages. After that select the pages with the best results, and go to the next offer, leaving the landing page from the last offer untouched.
  • The offer’s effectiveness must be measured by its KPIs.
  • If on the test we go negative, even after changing the landing page, you should stop the campaign.

How to avoid bans.

You can get banned for many reasons, but if you want to avoid them.

  • The content is moderated.
  • The GEO is not available to be used through the platform.
  • It receives a lot of reports.
  • It includes adult content.

TikTok content for dating

Creatives that show attractive girls create a great conversion rate. This approach can be divided into two parts:

  • Use male or female models’ content.
  • Use content from girlf with an average of 35 years old, not extremely attractive, but enough.

Following those tips would be great for you, now what you need is to pick the right offer for the right account.

Also, the music/sounds that are often repeated in the feed must last 10-12 seconds max.

Where to get creative approaches?

There’s a section called “for business” in the “creatives” tab on TikTok. A huge advantage of this is being able to see the country in which the content is being displayed.

Which accounts should you use?

Accounts can be categorized into two:

  • Agency account: It has a lot of trust on Social Media. It has more countries to choose and it can add several accounts to one single application.
  • Individual: Very difficult to scale as you can only manage one account.

How to scale the accounts

The process is really simple but really tedious. Just repeat these steps and you’ll get great results.

Bottom line

TikTok is an extremely simple traffic source that can be used by beginners. No need for big budgets. Just follow these tips above, and you won’t get any ban. We hope this article is useful to you. Good luck!

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