Affiliate Marketing, Articles, Guides, Marketing, Traffic, Traffic Arbitrage

This is not about direct traffic to Forex but to the exchanges, and you need to do it differently from how you’re used to driving traffic.

To be simple, we found an interesting offer paying 20$ for each user registering through us. The GEO is limited to only 2 countries, but that’s something we can work with.

Pick an offer that teaches people how to invest in Trading, how the market works, and more. Always make sure that the offer at least makes sense, and is not asking users to register and deposit something crazy like 1,000$.

If you have a social media account for traffic arbitrage, create content related to teaching and giving tips about Trading, and use your offer to redirect the traffic there. Working in this niche is very easy as the audience is always open to learning and paying for courses, and they tend to be open to spending money on their education.

Bear in mind that you also have to review the GEO, and the offer you’re promoting, some countries don’t react the same for all the content, some will behave better with Videos, some will only convert using ads, and some will only analyze and read the content, ignoring the imagery and music.

So, doing appropriate research might help you optimize the traffic and direct traffic for Trading more effectively, which will definitely give you profit.

Content for Traffic Arbitrage: Some topics to discuss

Now, we will give a list of some topics you can create content on, remember to use good imagery and add some editing to the videos you’re going to make, along with coming up with a good funnel for the process to be as efficient as possible and give you as much profit as possible:

  • Traffic Arbitrage Newbies Guide
  • Ad Networks for Adult offers
  • How to create content to direct Traffic from TikTok
  • Gambling Offers and how to drive traffic fast
  • Traffic Arbitrage scams and how to detect them

Those are just a few ones we could come up with, but bear in mind that you can always research and find new topics to write or make content on, gathering content and optimizing it will help you learn what your audience is looking for. The Traffic Arbitrage traffic tends to be open to learning as the Trading traffic is, is all about how you’re talking, about what you’re talking, and with whom you’re talking.

Nevertheless, always be careful about what are you promoting, especially if you’re about to monetize your Traffic Arbitrage blog and you’re looking for courses or platforms to write about. Always research about them, traffic arbitrators are, particularly skeptics, and if they find out you’re promoting a scam or fake offer (which is not weird), they will let everyone know about it, and even if you try to say that you have nothing to do with it, or that you didn’t know, your reputation on the niche will be destroyed and the odds of making any profit will be zero.

This is why even when it’s kind of easy to write about Traffic Arbitrage, is not easy to monetize it, because you need to make sure your offers and advertising are legit and not malicious, along with making sure is actually valuable content, not free garbage stuff that someone is trying to pass as “a top course”. Traffic Arbitrators and the Trading audience are very similar on this, they look for valuable content, and they will be open to spending some money to learn and improve their skills, and you need to be there to provide that, not the opposite.


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