Articles, Guides, Marketing, SEO, Traffic, Training

Keeping search engines happy is not easy at all. If you want your article/website to reach the first results, or be on the top, you need to meet their requirements. For example, having natural content and not just watery text.

What are watery text and spam?

Watery texts are words that have no meaning or reason to be in the text. These can be conjunctions, particles, pronouns, introductory words, or even phrases. A high percentage of the watery text indicates that the content has low real-value material, which is why search engines avoid ranking those texts.

Spam text is the amount and density of keywords or words in general. The more often the same words or phrases appear in the material, the higher the spam would be. A high spam rate will make search engines set your content to the bottom of the results as they consider it unnatural content.

Spam text is also called by another term, “text nausea”, and there are 2 types of “nausea”:

  • Classic: Indicates the square root of the number of times a keyword is repeated in the text. This means that if the word “SEO” was put on the text 25 times, the nausea would be 5 as it doesn’t take into account the length of the text itself.
  • Academic Nausea: Calculated using the following formula: repetitions / number of words × 100%. This takes text length into account, and it means that if the word “SEO” is repeated 10 times in a 2000-word text, the value for Academic Nause would be 0.05 or 5%.

Taking a look at these indicators will avoid issues as your content will be classified as low-quality content if they’re too high.

Spam and watery text rule

There isn’t really a fixed ratio of spam and watery text that can be taken as a rule. Copywriters usually follow their own specifications, adding the necessary SEO. If there aren’t parameters, they just tend to follow the average rate:

  • 1Text says it’s 55%. This means that if the spam rate is between 55 and 60%, the content will not meet Google or Bing’s requirements.
  • Academic Nause should be an average of 9%,
  • Classic Nausea should have an average of 7%.
  • The watery text according to 1Text, should be 15%.

How to check text for spam and water

There are several services that can help you perform SEO analysis. We will talk about two of the most popular ways to measure watery text and nausea text or spam text.

Visual analysis

Google Docs can help you with analyzing text. You just need to upload the article and press Ctrl+F on your keyboard. After that, just enter a keyword into the search bar, Google Docs will highlight all matches and indicate the amount of time it appears on the document, try to only use the beginning of the keyword, for example, if it is “Sports Shoes”, just look for “Shoe” instead of the entire keywords as Google then will not take into account other forms, for example, “Shoes”, “Hiking Shoe”, etc.

1Text is a service that helps evaluate if a text is unique, along with indicating a keyword’s density, it checks spelling and SEO metrics. 1Text is one of the most strict services available, being the reason why most Copywriters use it.

The platform divides spam and uniqueness into 3 main categories:

  • Green – 0 to 30%: It means that the text has natural content but it’s not optimized.
  • Orange – From 30 to 60%: These are the optimized articles as they usually fall into this range, meaning that Google and most search engines will take the article as relevant.
  • Red – Anything above 60%: This means that the article is heavily spammed with keywords. Get it down to an orange level or your text will not be considered for ranking.

One of the most important features of 1Text is that highlights watery text and spam immediately. Displaying a table with the key phrases and showing them to you. Allowing you to edit the content very easily.

With the free plan, you can analyze up to 15,000 characters daily. If you want to analyze something above that amount, you will have to pay the subscription which can go from 11.99$ to 399.99$.


How to reduce spam and watery text

There are several methods and techniques to reduce the spam and watery text rate from your content.

  • Write in a natural and “alive” language: Don’t use complex words or phrases, long sentences, or words that only locals would know.
  • Start checking with Grammarly: This is a free extension and software that will help you optimize your text to avoid using unnecessary words or sentences.
  • Use synonyms: Just check for words that are different but similar in their meaning, for example, instead of using the word “Buying” 20 times, use “purchasing”.
  • Increase or decrease the content: Just extend or reduce the material written as it will help you decrease your nausea text rate.
  • Rewriting: Changing some words or rephrasing the entire sentence will help you reduce the watery text and spam rate, along with helping you avoid plagiarism.
  • Check the article carefully: After finishing any block of text, give it a look and check it for edits, so you don’t have to do it all at the same time.
  • Redo the content: If you can’t take the SEO metrics to a decent level, do the content again, as it will be better to do it right than have to fix it once it’s done.
  • Remove the unnecessary words: This will reduce watery text as the unnecessary words are exactly what watery text is.
  • Add vital information: If you can’t get the metrics down, try to add actually valuable and important information, it will help you avoid all the bad measures.

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